ভয়েস এর নিয়ম ও ব্যবহার । Rules of Voice


ভয়েস এর নিয়ম ও ব্যবহার । Rules of Voice

What is voice?

Verb এর যে subject টি সক্রিয় না নিস্ক্রিয় নির্দেশ করে তাকে voice বলে।

Voice দুই প্রকার :

১. Active voice ( কর্তৃ বাচ্য )

২. Passive voice ( কর্তা বাচ্য )

Active and passive verb from :

1. Active verb From: 

V1 = give, gives

V2 = gave

V3 = giving


Active voice:

Shall / will + V1

Am / is / are + V + ing

Was / were + V + ing 

Have / has + V3

Had + V3

Shall / will + had + V3

Passive voice:

Am,is,are + V3

Was / were + V3

Shall / will + be + V3

Am / is / are + being + V3

Was / were + being + V3

Have / has + been + V3

Had + been + V3

Shall / will + have + been + V3

NB: (1)  Passive voice এর verb সর্বদাই past perticiple from হবে ।

(2) Active voice এর Verb model Auxiliary verb হলে passive voice এ গিয়ে Auxiliary verb + be + V3 

উদাহরণ: I must help my friend

= My friend must be helped by me 

Model Auxiliary verb: Can, could, shall, should, will, would, may, might, must 

Change of Pronouns:

I = me , we = us, he = him , she = her, they = them, you = you , name = name, it = it,

Passive voice এর structure:

Subject + Auxiliary verb + V3 + by + object

= Auxiliary verb tense অনুযায়ী ব্যবহার করতে হবে।

Active voice এর structure:

Subject + Main verb + object

Passive ও Active voice এর উদাহরণ:

(1) Active voice এ V1 থাকলে Passive voice এ গিয়ে am / is / are + V3 হবে।

উদাহরণ: We eat rice

= Rice is eaten by us.

Passive to Activate:

Cricket is played by us.

= We play cricket.

(2) Active voice এ V2 থাকলে Passive voice এ was / were + V3  হবে।


I invited them.

= They were invited by me.

Passive to Activate:

The plate was broken by rupom.

= Rupom broke the plate.

(3) Active voice এ Shall / will + V1 থাকলে Passive voice এ  Shall / will + be + V3 হবে।

উদাহরণ: I will help you

= You will be helped by me.

Passive to Activate:

The work will be done by me

= I will do the work.

(4) Active voice এ am / is / are + V + ing থাকলে Passive voice এ am /is / are + being+ V3 হবে।


I am writing a letter.

= A letter is being written by me 

Passive to Activate:

A noise is being made by them .

= They are making a noise.

(5) Active voice এ was / were + v + ing থাকলে Passive voice এ was / were + being + V3 হবে।


Hira was teaching panna.

= Panna was being tought by Hira.

Passive to Activa:

The glass was being broken by him

= He was broking the glass 

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