Right from of Verb শিখুন খুব সহজেই । How to learning easy to right from of Verb

Right from of Verb শিখুন খুব সহজেই । How to learning easy to right from of Verb

Rights from of Verbs এর নিয়ম ও ব্যবহার:

১৬. For , of , without, with, before, after ইত্যাদি preposition এর পরে verb এর সাথে ing যুক্ত করা হয়।


I have never been tired of going there.

She can't go without waiting for me.

১৭. Mind, would you mind, past, worth, could not help এর পরে verb এর সাথে ing যোগ হয়।


Would you mind giving me the hook?

 Can not help doing the assignment.

১৮. Sentence এর শুরুতে যদি would that থাকে তাহলে subject এর পরে could বসে । এবং এরপর verb এর present from হয়।


Would that I could be a writer like Ahmed Shanto.

Would that I could buy a Toyota car.

১৯. To be / having / got থাকলে verb এর past perticiple from হবে।


The assignment is to be completed immediately.

The thif ran way having seen the police.

২০. বর্তমান কালে কোনো কাজ চলছে বুঝলে  present Continuous tense হয়। ( এ ক্ষেত্রে সাধারণত at present / how / at the moment  ইত্যাদি adverb হয়।


He is watching the television at the moment.

Now they are doing the assignment.

২১. ip+ present indefinite+ future indefinite.

( If যুক্ত cluse টি present indefinite tense হলে পরের cluse টি future indefinite tense হবে) 


If you come, I will go.

If you drink milk, you will be healthy.

২২. যদি had / if যুক্ত clause টি past indefinite tense হয় তাহলে পরের clause টি হতে subject এর পর would / could / might বসে এবং verb এর present from বসে।


If he come, I would go to the market.

If I were rich enough,  would help the poor.

২৩. যদি had / if যুক্ত clause টি past perfect tense হয় তাহলে পরের clause টি হতে subject এর পর would have / could have / might have  বসে এবং verb এর past perticiple from বসে।


If he come, I would have gone to the market.

If I were rich enough,  would have helped the poor.

২৪. Wish / fancy / it is time / it is high time ইত্যাদি থাকলে verb এর past from হয়।


I wish I won the frist prize.

It is high time you changed your bad habit.

I Francy I flew in the sky.

২৫. As if / as though থাকলে were বসে।


He speake as if he were the leader.

He acts as though he were  a hero.

২৬. Each, every, every one, any , anyone, many, everything, everybody, anything, someone, something, one of, either, neither ইত্যাদি থাকলে  verb এর singular number হয়।


Each of the students was present.

Every father dedicates his life to his children.

২৭. Whole এর পরে verb থাকলে তার সাথে ing যোগ হবে কিন্তু while এর পর subject থাকলে এর অংশটি past continuous tense হয়। 


While walking through the zoo, I saw  lion.

While it was raining, I was watching a movie.

২৮. অনেক সময় একই স্থান, দৈর্ঘ্য ও পরিমাপ বুঝলে  subject দেখতে plural Mone হলেও verb টি singular from বসে।


Twenty miles was a long way.

Two hundred miles is not a long way in the modern time.

২৯. Main tense এর clause টি past tense হলে ও পরে next day, next month, next year ইত্যাদি থাকলে subject এর পর should / would বসে।


He told that he would go home the next week.

She said that she would buy land next year.

৩০. after এরপরে এবং before এর আগের clause টি  past perfect tense হয় এবং পরের clause টি past indefinite tense হবে।


The train had left the station before  we reached.

The doctor come after the pationt had died.

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