এ বছরও জেএসসি-জেডিসি পরীক্ষা হওয়ার সম্ভাবনা কম (This year also JSC-JDC examination is less likely)

 এ বছরও জেএসসি-জেডিসি পরীক্ষা হওয়ার সম্ভাবনা কম (This year also JSC-JDC examination is less likely)

The Junior School Certificate (JSC) and Junior Entry Certificate (JDC) assessments have not been held over the most recent two years because of corona contamination. This year likewise JSC and JDC tests are more uncertain.


In a public interview at the Ministry of Education on Tuesday, Education Minister Dipu Moni said, "We need to check a lot of strategic issues out. The current year's SSC is booked to be held in June and HSC in August. In the event that HSC is in August, we actually imagine that it will be undeniably challenging for us to have the JSC-JDC test. Since the training sheets will be occupied with SSC-HSC tests and results .... 'With regards to this assertion of the schooling priest, to be aware, we can say that this time JSC-JDC tests are not occurring. Accordingly, Education Minister Dipu Moni said the choice has not been taken at this point. Also, sooner or later, the choice will be made. There is SSC-HSC test ahead, assuming you think taking a gander at the operations issues, it tends to be done regardless of whether it is troublesome, all things considered, perhaps it very well may be taken. Notwithstanding, the instruction serve said that he might want to take this choice in one-and-a-half months. There is no notice of JSC assessment in the new educational program, which will be successful from 2023. Once more, this test has not been required over the most recent two years. How significant do you suppose it is to step through this exam for one year experiencing the same thing? To such an inquiry, the instruction serve said, in that sense, it may not be extremely pressing. And, after it's all said and done the choice will be educated thinking about the circumstance. The choice will be reported at the earliest opportunity, the schooling pastor said. Since the HSC test will begin in August and will end in September. It requires around 90 days of readiness to take such a public test. Once more, there are a lot more understudies in JSC assessment.


Normally JSC and JDC assessments were held in November of every year. Yet, because of the crown disease, the instructive organization was shut down in March 2020. The instructive organization was shut for around a year and a half. Thus, the assessments have not been held over the most recent two years. In 2020, the understudies breezed through the high society without assessment. Last year, notwithstanding, there were yearly assessments in schools with fewer subjects in the short schedule. Yet again eighth-grade understudies are bound to have yearly tests at school rather than JSC-JDC tests.

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